jueves, 17 de julio de 2008



  1. What does this thought mean to you?
  2. What moral values can you identify in this thought?

51 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

is very important for me to know and deduce that it allows us to be more and better people throughout our growth as professionals is to think about what they really need our support not only of heart but by doing so and with reason that what we are doing for us engrandece that person morally and are working with the doctrine that jeseus taught us in his immense legacy.


Lois Adrian dijo...

Hello! Teacher My Name
Lois Martinez is CI: 18529823
Section: Aer 04

I think the most important thing is the common benefit rather than a single individual and this is exactly what Jesus in his teachings promulgate
I think that moral values that should be in this discussion are

1. Justice
2. Respect
3. Honesty
4. Solidarity
5. Unity
6. Equality
7. Cooperation

Anónimo dijo...

This thought gives me to think that we should help everyone equally and always give the most needy at hand.
The value that relate to this thinking is the value of solidarity.
Rene Maestre
C.i: 18,557,100
Section: 3 Aer 03

luisaura dijo...
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luisaura dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
luisaura dijo...

I believe that God taught the good for all I love this word jesus was a great man who left on earth the most beautiful and great examples for me what matters is doing good and pray for all humanity is for the good of all this I teach that Jesus is the most beautiful way that we are all good-hearted person to ask for all humanity and courage that is reflected there is the goodness of respect and humility. luisaura Sanchez 15911601

Kattuko dijo...

.- This means thinking for my selfishness, because Jesus taught us that we share with our brothers.

2 .- From the standpoint of Jesus:
The justice, ethics, love,Respect, Honesty,Solidarity,Unity,Equality,Cooperation

Kattuko dijo...

1.-This means thinking for my selfishness, because Jesus taught us that we share with our brothers.

2 .- From the standpoint of Jesus:
The justice, ethics, love,Respect, Honesty,Solidarity,Unity,Equality,Cooperation

Juan Zamora
C.I. 10.868.734
Sección: 03AER03
Carrera: Ing. Aeronautica

Unknown dijo...

hello teacher...
my name is Carlos Muñoz
and my I.D.20036440
section: 03AER03

and this is my commentary..

With regard to the first question, I think that about many occasions we think so much but so much about our comfort and well-being that does not matter for us to happen over the others for our well-being, since it is incorrect because the serious ideal thing to help the neighbor as well as jesús I teach us once.

As for the second question, so none ... I think that there is no value because in this thought he(she) asks in his(her,your) day of picnic to be perfect and not this one thought about the farmers or in other families that depend on the work of the land.

Anónimo dijo...

1. This thinking has taught us not to be selfish with others because we want the common good, that is we want the other what we want for ourselves.
2. In this thinking we can identify moral values such as solidarity, understanding, love and compassion.

Unknown dijo...

1. The teachings of Jesus are based on love, but not in the love of one person but to life, to love and respect each other. This means that we must not think only in ourselves but in solidarity and others. The commandment to love your neighbor as yourself is a call to all that we as brothers in the eyes of God we are.

When we think of our benefit no matter which affects others are violating this commandment is therefore we must think not only in oneself if not a common good to achieve that peace, tranquility and happiness for.

2. In this thinking can be identified as values:

My name is: Pedro Manuitt
C.I: 17582981
Section: 3AER-03

Samuel Diaz dijo...

We say that the moral principles governing the behaviour of individuals. These show whether their actions or characters have a human behavior, respectful, caring, enemy of evil. These attitudes are born in the spirit of man, not what material or what legal. Thus, morality is a set of spiritual values, and only able to let us know if the rules of human conduct are good and acceptable and if they are not.

But the best way to know who is moral, is to know Jesus Christ, the man is perfect, therefore if imitate Jesus, we are imitating their morality.

Being a good Christian, a man is to be attached to moral values and life with Christ delivery moral values that are needed to be. It is only thanks to Him, we can find meaning to life straight requiring the principles of morality.

I think they are wrong, those who argue that morality is a set of rules and mandates are met, as if they were points above a certain rules that must be fulfilled because the established right of men. However I think are right who claim that morality is the essence, the distinctive, and most importantly of all it does not teach Christ as a way of life and time in preparation for eternal life.

Samuel Diaz CI 17.269.468
Seccion: Aero 04

jesus benitez dijo...

name:Nelson Morillo
section: aero 04

1) What does this thought mean to you?
I think that that example is relative, each person has necessities and she should make the decisions but suitable for not harming to the other peoples.

we should also be emphatics and humble, because the most big in this life it is to be useful to the other peoples.

2)What moral values can you identify in this thought?

the values that are in this teaching are:

luis dijo...

With respect to the first question the human being worries more about the comfort and the well-being about theirs before worrying about the damage that produces to them to the others. In certain part if it is in opposition to which Jesus I teach to us once because elnos I help all the same and also I sacrifice myself by our sins.

I would identify with these values morals: Honesty, humility, respect, cooperation, equality, justice, love, understanding, security and solidarity

Unknown dijo...

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Unknown dijo...

Greetings teacher!!!

Is Héctor Sánchez. Sección : Aer - 04 23,169,441

Many times asking for things we pray for our benefit and not think about what others need. I think that the prayer asking that no rain is not a bad desire 100% but in cities is more uncomfortable and rain in the field if super necessary

Similarly in this thinking there are some values that are against:

1) Injustice.
2) There is no solidarity.
3) There is no unity.
4) We are not very honest ...

In asking that does not rain we must improve our values and thinking about the people. We use what we enseño love that Jesus Christ and respect for others. Bye

Unknown dijo...

The thought of always thinking about the causes of every single thing is the essense to encounter the
foundations of the people who puts their thoughts, time, and effort behind the back of every project
and products that is made, in order to provide a better use of the humanity, or for the purpose of certain
group of people. Therefore, praying for a better weather for your own pinic party is an act of pure selfishness,
rather than thinking of the farmers who need the rain to raise food for everyone, and also to make your
pinic a reality, because without the farmers, there won't be any bread, fruit, and salads for the pinic
The moral values taught in this reflection is can be resume in the single sense of five words, cooperation,
justice, responsibility, generosity, and equality. Cooperating along with everyone within any group and
the society as a whole is importand, just ike recycling of waste materials, it needs the cooperation
of the entire humanity in order to made our world a better place. Being a person of justice, defines
the right or wrong of thing, so that nothing false into missjudgement, and all missunderstanding can
be resolve without leaving any trace for conflict. Being responsible is also one major fact to take the
weight of once task alone rather than leaving for others, and is also a essence to complete any project or
task according to different schedules. Being generous is a moral value that shows the openess of ones heart,
putting some flexibility and humility into ones thoughts. A generous personality works nice to free some
tensions within a group of people and even when interacting with another individual. At last, the sence of equality
shows the respect, unity, peacefullness, humility, and kindness one have. In the society, many times
people judge others by their sex, race, color of skin, family background, educations background, and even
if they are different from other, such as handicapped person, which is not right at all. People should not be
judge by their external apearance or their backgrounds, because everyone changes, grow up and learn
with time and experience, also people do not behave the same just because they are female, afro-american,
chinese, or an inexperience for the job. Therefore, we should always think openly and think the cause of
everything for better or worse of what is happening to us. We should always give gratitude to history, to
everyone and everything that made us a betterday; just like we should think of our English teacher who is
instructing us at the UNEFA, because of her, we became a better English speaker and writer.

Unknown dijo...

Nombre: Ibragim Hasan Moudabbes
Seccion: Aero 04
Ci: 17983441
The thought of always thinking about the causes of every single thing is the essense to encounter the
foundations of the people who puts their thoughts, time, and effort behind the back of every project
and products that is made, in order to provide a better use of the humanity, or for the purpose of certain
group of people. Therefore, praying for a better weather for your own pinic party is an act of pure selfishness,
rather than thinking of the farmers who need the rain to raise food for everyone, and also to make your
pinic a reality, because without the farmers, there won't be any bread, fruit, and salads for the pinic
The moral values taught in this reflection is can be resume in the single sense of five words, cooperation,
justice, responsibility, generosity, and equality. Cooperating along with everyone within any group and
the society as a whole is importand, just ike recycling of waste materials, it needs the cooperation
of the entire humanity in order to made our world a better place. Being a person of justice, defines
the right or wrong of thing, so that nothing false into missjudgement, and all missunderstanding can
be resolve without leaving any trace for conflict. Being responsible is also one major fact to take the
weight of once task alone rather than leaving for others, and is also a essence to complete any project or
task according to different schedules. Being generous is a moral value that shows the openess of ones heart,
putting some flexibility and humility into ones thoughts. A generous personality works nice to free some
tensions within a group of people and even when interacting with another individual. At last, the sence of equality
shows the respect, unity, peacefullness, humility, and kindness one have. In the society, many times
people judge others by their sex, race, color of skin, family background, educations background, and even
if they are different from other, such as handicapped person, which is not right at all. People should not be
judge by their external apearance or their backgrounds, because everyone changes, grow up and learn
with time and experience, also people do not behave the same just because they are female, afro-american,
chinese, or an inexperience for the job. Therefore, we should always think openly and think the cause of
everything for better or worse of what is happening to us. We should always give gratitude to history, to
everyone and everything that made us a betterday; just like we should think of our English teacher who is
instructing us at the UNEFA, because of her, we became a better English speaker and writer.

Yuuko Ichihara dijo...

Aramoix Narvaez 18368056
Aerospace Engineering
Semester: Section 3: Aero 03

This thinking is reflected to a person who only thinks about his welfare and in itself, since it only calls for his meal and by the time that there will be for a particular day, not thinking about everything that is needed to be in his day field that is in the farmers who harvest many of the foods that were used in that picnic and they need the rain to be of such a successful harvest, hence here shows that the person does not follow the teachings Jesus as they say you should love your neighbor, help and do good. The ideal would be that the person apart from asking for their welfare request for the sake of others and to do so in a selfless.

In thinking as such was not observed any moral value in fact we find anti values such as selfishness, disunity,etc. Here is where it needs to improve and change this way of thinking to see the moral values.

Yuuko Ichihara dijo...

Yaneika Peña 19788173
Aerospace Engineering
Semester: Section 3: Aero 03

One of the things that Jesus taught in their times was to love your neighbor as yourself and do good to those around us. I thought as to think that this person is thinking of their welfare and leaves others to one side which is contrary to the principles and moral values of our society and this person shows selfishness and differences with others in my opinion should be put in place for peasants and think about what would happen if it was raining and their food is not reap more good if all benefit from the countryside would be unfair to think of the good individual and not in the common good as the there is none values rather I would say that is the opposite to them and that neither we nor prosperamoos well as a human being and not live with society.

Unknown dijo...

seccion:ing.aero 3-03
vielma francis ci:17478422
Hello good afternoon.

On reflection we should not only pray for a day without rain because we need to go to the countryside to the beach or the mountains etc.Nos we must agree that farmers need the rain for their crops that land plants and animals benefit from the rain. "We must not only think for us but by others who also need" moral values that can be identified with this thought: honesty justice and solidarity is not just that as people think for the sake ourselves we have to remember others who need them.

Unknown dijo...


pareser good to me that there are people think of themselves and do not realize that if what they are doing helps or harms others. Instead of seeking a path that does not harm or harm anyone.

and is the opposite to what Jesus taught us "that devemos love and help each other"

I thought this attribute.
The selfishness and only think about and if you do not care about everything that surrounds them.

jesus benitez dijo...

Hello Teacher!
My name is Rasmiry Soto
section 03AER04

I believe that sometimes people pray only for their grace. Sometimes even the most devote catholics, christians etc, tend to slip and think just about themselves and not for others it is a shame but most of us usually tend to think better and retract for our prayer and, of course always be there for our brothers.

Honesty could be a good moral value, partnership, humility and respect are the main moral values.

Angelina Mezu dijo...

Good Afternoon teacher!
Angelina Mezu

That sometimes we only think in ourselves and forget about people that only have a little bit to live. I believe that it is time to act and be aware of our enviroment so that everyone can have a chance of surviving and living a life full of satisfaction and happiness.

Honesty, humility, companionship, friendship.

Angelina Mezu dijo...

It is common for us Humans to forget about our surroundings. Not to mention the fact that some of us tend to live a very stressfull and occupied lives so we usually we forget about everything and start thinking exclusively for ourselves. its posible to say that this type of thinking is almost abolished because little by little we have started to start considering our brothers in the world and helping them so that, as us, they can enjoy a full and happy life

We must think with a sense of Equality , unity, justice and cooperation to start molding our minds for others without the prejudice we once had, and we achieve this value start being more respectful, honest and above all be more cooperative so that things can be done better and faster

Angelina Mezu dijo...

The last comment posted as Angelina Mezu is a comment by
Hector Herrera
excuse 6the inconvenience

Unknown dijo...

Hello teacher
It's Francisco Garcia C.I. 15801963 section Aero-04
When will a walk field always asks us to Mr to a good and beautiful day. That exit with our loved ones or friends. In some part that if at that time or most of the day we are becoming selfish people, because we are only asking for us to a good sunny day to spend very well and nice, being selfish or not we are neglecting we call for those who need the rains for their crops because they are the ones who provide all kinds of food. If we do the opposite to what Jesus taught us, taught us to pray and ask for others to fence them very well. It is sad but true that people are becoming so selfish that they do not concerned about the welfare of those who work to give you everything you need. and only we care and family welfare of the person so others are affected.
Here we must take the values of respect, humility, justice and as one that requires other people too.

Genesis Osorio dijo...

I believe that the person who preys to God for their own good with no consideration to others is a person that is selfish, egocentric and doesnt have well developed moral values, they have no consideration or respect for their brothers as ordered in the Holy Bible; this type of peoplehas to be a little more human, be more humble in their heart,they have to know that among all of us must exist equal rights, OH! and above all fear of God.

omar dijo...


1_A to think of others before making a desicion correct in everyday life but when everything will be his tienpo indicated.

2_un thought egoista but each dipper esistira a moment of time indicated for the picnic and for farmers and esista equality, Onesta at the time

omar dijo...


1_A to think of others before making a desicion correct in everyday life but when everything will be his tienpo indicated.

2_un thought egoista but each dipper esistira a moment of time indicated for the picnic and for farmers and esista equality, Onesta at the time

william dijo...

Name: William Rengifo
Section: aer03
from my perspective this is something very clear thinking; violates all moral values known, as it is a thought based on the benefit of the individual and that is considered selfishness, all a person who acts with the aim of beneficiarce without measuring their consequences acts toward others, is against all principles of ethical, moral and Christians ...
diria I thought that this could not be edentificar with any kind of moral value, but if one that violates all values; THE "selfishness"

Unknown dijo...

ALUMNO:Edwinleer Narvaez
This means for my thinking that my quiet while we're at a picnic there are farmers waiting for rain arrives q well as power production and have its benefits, this means q we do not believe in the neighbor if not the same and we are doing quite the opposite that Jesus taught us

Moral values that can be identified in this thinking are:



Unknown dijo...

1) Of course one is opposed to the teachings of Jesus when one thinks of himself and performs an act as sacred as praying for an act so narrow as only think of himself, an act that is selfish and that all algun day of our lives commit, just enough to recall the words of Master "Love your neighbor as yourself".

2) solidarity, mutual assistance, shedding entr other important values.

Ivan Tamariz
C.I. 16879500

Unknown dijo...

!) Despite the religious themes that touch vision of the person who wrote this, was to deliver a message against the ideas of individualism that teach us to not only think about oneself if not also to pray for others and have feelings of solidarity with our fellow human beings.


Detsi Vega
Section EAR-03

kiara Aixa dijo...

Kiara Parral
C.I: 18,461,823
ING. Aeronautics

1) because I cree que there are times when our lives that think only of us, and forget the others, from people who want us, who need us Or that only part of our lives.

We are so selfish that only think of our welfare and do what is to achieve our objectives set aside all such persons or perhaps attempt exceeded our shareholders only for figures.

We must retain humility, kindness because only then is reaching targets

2) Regarding the values does not identify none TO THIS REFLECION PUES cree que when you think that way THIS IS be selfish for me Seri ANTI WHICH WOULD BE THE VALUE Compared to this REFLEXCION

kiara Aixa dijo...

C.I: 19.022393
IN. Aeronautics

1) IT IS VERY selfish and without realizing we are doing in this paragraph EVIL AND NOT COME value reflects find reflection but at values such as humility and solidarity.

Anónimo dijo...

Milagros Sànchez

Good for my this one badly in not thinking about other persons if not in one itself it is true as this one in the example that one nothing mas says for one and not for the others, since the human being worries anything mas for his(her,your) comidad and his(her,your) well-being and not in of the others; I believe that we should be conciente of our involvement in order that each one could think and to have a possibility of on experience and life of a life fills of satisfaction and happiness. In the values that I can identify it are the solidarity, the love, the safety and the justice

dervin dijo...

Dervin E. Perez A.
C.I.: 15266021
secciòn: 3AER03

1. I think that this thought goes with the people who only think about his and they ask to him to beneficial God for own, and goes against to a law of God that says “you land on water to your fellow like same”

2. This thought invites to us to be shared in common to feel us with God well, the people and one same one.

Montoya dijo...

Hi Teacher.!
Is Jorge Montoya...

Normally people always remember to God when is at the moment more difficult, but when they have no concern, simply do not remember. In this thinking, Jesus teaches us that we all need to pray for all not for oneself .. We should be companions, look at that person affected, solidarity, and not be selfish, just because one is well and others not.

chuqui dijo...

1.What does this thought mean to you?

This gives me to understand that a person only prays this when in problems, when it wants that it happens slightly rapidly, and this it cannot be, since we must pray always, every day though we know that God this one with us, in spite of speaking to him a bit every day we do not lose anything, but we gain more love and express our loyalty to, and hereinafter we will obtain our remuneration, but always being with humility and without waiting in exchange for anything.

2.What moral values can you identify in this thought?

In the thought I see the egoism, since it gives to express that alone we pray when we need from a good, without thinking about other persons that they are involved in doing the things that we consume, and for it we do not estimate the work of other persons towards us. The good values that we might apply serious the humility, companionship, solidarity, respect, honesty, generosity and loyalty towards our gentleman God and towards our neighbors and brothers.

Robert Cloralt CI.: 18.275.359
Section: Aer-04

jesus benitez dijo...

Hello Teacher.
My Name is Yurby Quintero.
"Aer04" 17.374.345

I think sometimes we are people selfish , always to benefit thinking of one. But that should not be so, because when we're at the wrong time, is there when we are agreeing to our God, and we put ourselves in the place of those who at some point became the evil. So God teaches us that we must always think for everyone, as if we were the same person, the idea of it is that we are all benefit without others are affected only by small whims. We have aware, dignity and respect for others.


Unknown dijo...

Marvin Salazar
C.I: 18. 556. 817
ING: Aeronautics

I think one of the lessons we leave Jesus is to love our neighbor as oneself, which is why I believe that doing so is to be selfish because only pray for our grace, because there is a world around us which depends We are certain that life gives many twists and never know which side can be so we rain and démosle these farmers at least one rose that rain we offer.

"Sometimes the sky appears cloudy. It seems that there are no stars. Is it then not put your?

Unknown dijo...

Marvin Salazar
C.I: 18. 556. 817
ING: Aeronautics

I think one of the lessons we leave Jesus is to love our neighbor as oneself, which is why I believe that doing so is to be selfish because only pray for our grace, because there is a world around us which depends We are certain that life gives many twists and never know which side can be so we rain and démosle these farmers at least one rose that rain we offer.

"Sometimes the sky appears cloudy. It seems that there are no stars. Is it then not put your?

and on the values is not to be identified but who should reflect justice honesty and humility.

Ronald Arteaga dijo...

C.I: 17981848

"When you only pray for good weather for their own picnic and not for farmers who need rain, which is doing the opposite of
What Jesus taught "

What is it that this thought mean to you?

For me to say that the person prays when you need to own property or when you are in distress and not think about the people who need basic things to live, and that nothing else comes when God does not find its way out of trouble.

What moral values can be identified this thought?

In this reflection goodness because these days there are people who have lost that value among others, which is the permanent disposition to do good, so kind, generous and strong. Also this generosity because sometimes we think of ourselves and not on what we can do to improve as individuals, in order to help others, as did Jesus, to die, gave their lives for our freedom, how why not give some of that freedom to those who most need it? Or why not give this freedom to those who really deserve it to heart. In other words, take their example to help others apply these values and many more that have fallen into oblivion and that much of humanity to what is behind turning their core values in making money have to buy a car model in the last best shops have the most expensive to live in the best sites and elbows with people who have more wealth.

We are not seeing the effort made by us and people do not take into account for his human qualities and for their values but by the simple fact of seeing their economic status if you are the best places and if you have a checkbook so ostentatious I would hincapiés that we refortalecer moral values in campaigns to restore moral values starting with parents who are adopting a concept of values Herr (only values that can have someone with good economic status and not someone of lower class, average or poor).

jesus benitez dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
jesus benitez dijo...

Prof Good afternoon. chaparro hope is well here I send the last activity of bloke my name is JESUS BENITEZ CI 19710834 Aero 04

In this block as in the previous block highlights the values that are important to our daily lives, but if this gives us to understand this last block is that there are selfish people who only think of themselves without thinking about what they around them, I believe one can not control everything that surrounds us but if we can help those who need them and if help is in our hands without any compromise whatsoever.

Demin dijo...

Hello! Teacher My Name is
Demin Roh C.I:19434156
seccion 3 aero 4

in a personal way I consider that all the people we have a little egoismo inside us thing that is very bad, we are egoistas when we think unicamente in the welfare of our person without thinking about the damage that we may be causing to our projimo. this is something that in alunas occasions we cause is for this that one must stand out our values and personality to be good people and to be able to share With all. if this in our hands to help someone one must do it without expecting nothing to change. Today in I gave nobody is independent like such all we depend on someone I tell him in a personal way. when he arrive at this even city in do well I alone and I realized that itself does not be able

maikol dijo...

Maikol clemente

osseous that depends so that we cannot control the world everything you are right its to be and perhaps what is good for one it is not good for the other but all everything reachs to him its moment is question to hope

jesus benitez dijo...

What teaches thinking is that we should not think only in our convenience if not in others.

The values that can be identified thinking are as follows:

Justice respect honesty solidarity generosity equal cooperation humility peace kindness

Brallan Delgado
C.I. 18676640
Seccion 03 aero 04

Unknown dijo...

Many times we make our actions for personal gain, and there are very few times where we care for others, their needs, requirements, etc.. Even when we engage in opportunities, and hence where we see that does not meet the teachings of Jesus loves each other and love your neighbour as yourself.

If we analyse the text we realize that likewise highlights the ethical and moral values, as in society today have been lost, among them:
• Respect
• Tolerance
• Awareness

Unknown dijo...

v.- 17060929

Many times we make our actions for personal gain, and there are very few times where we care for others, their needs, requirements, etc.. Even when we engage in opportunities, and hence where we see that does not meet the teachings of Jesus loves each other and love your neighbour as yourself.

If we analyse the text we realize that likewise highlights the ethical and moral values, as in society today have been lost, among them:
• Respect
• Tolerance
• Awareness